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Primary School Places



EYFS 2024

For children born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020

When to Apply: You should apply between 15 November 2023 and 15 January 2024. Lincolnshire County Council accepts applications until noon on 9th February 2024, but we cannot process any new applications or changes of applications after that deadline. Other authorities may not accept the changes. If an application is received after this time, it will be processed after national offer day. Applications will re-open on 17 April 2024.

How to Apply: For a Reception or Junior place, you must apply through your home local authority even if the schools you name on your application are not in Lincolnshire. You can apply online (at Lincolnshire County Council: school admissions applications); by phone (01522 782030); or by requesting a paper form. Apply using one method only. If you apply online and enter a valid email address, you will receive an email confirming your preferences. If you apply by phone and provide a valid email address, you will receive confirmation of your application by email. If you cannot provide a valid email address, we will send you a confirmation letter by post for you to verify and return.

School Offers: You will receive your school offer either via email or letter from 16 April 2024, depending on how you applied. We will assume you wish to accept the offer, unless you tell us otherwise.

If you would like your child to start school in EYFS 2024, please see the full details of our admission arrangements below.

Further guidance and advice is available online at Lincolnshire County Council: School Admissions.

Appeals Timetable:

Lincolnshire County Council 

                                                                     Primary schools

National offer day                                     16 April 2024

Deadline for an appeal to be received  14 May 2024

Information can also be accessed at: Lincolnshire County Council: school admissions appeals


St John's Primary Academy joined The Priory Federation of Academies Trust in January 2024. Before this date, the then Board of Directors at St John's (governing as its own Single Academy Trust) determined the school's admissions arrangements at the appropriate time each year.

For information about how to find your nearest school, please visit: