Primary School Places
Starting primary school in the Reception Year
You apply for your child to start school in the Reception Year (Year R) through the coordinated admissions scheme run by the local authority in which you live.
Parents resident in Lincolnshire can apply online through Lincolnshire County Council’s website You can also apply by telephone, or ask for a hard copy application form, by telephoning 01522 782030. Parents resident in other areas must apply through the local authority in which they live.
The deadline for applications to be returned is 15th January in the year of admission in September. Offers of places are made on 19th April in the same year. If we are not able to offer you a place, you can appeal against that decision.
You can find the full admission arrangements for the academy, including the criteria used to decide who is admitted when the academy is oversubscribed, by clicking the links further down this page.
Moving primary schools – in-year admissions
If your child is already at school and you wish to move primary schools then you must make a new application. The academy is part of Lincolnshire’s coordinated scheme for in-year admissions. Details of Lincolnshire’s coordinated scheme can be found at
Wherever you live, you can apply to a new school directly or through Lincolnshire County Council’s website: You can also apply by telephone, or ask for a hard copy application form, by telephoning 01522 782030. The academy does not have its own admission form and if you wish to apply on paper, you can use the common application provided by Lincolnshire admissions team.
You can apply to move schools at any time. We will aim to respond within 10 school days but you will always be notified of the outcome of your application within 15 school days. If we are not able to offer a place, you can appeal against that decision.
St John's Primary Academy joined The Priory Federation of Academies Trust in January 2024. Before this date, the then Board of Directors at St John's (governing as its own Single Academy Trust) determined the school's admissions arrangements at the appropriate time each year.
Please click on the documents below for admissions information relating to the academic year September 2026 to July 2027.
Priory Federation of Academies Trust Admissions Policy 2026-27
St John's Primary Academy Admissions Arrangements for the academic year September 2026 to July 2027
For information about how to find your nearest school, please visit: