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Maths Curriculum Intent

  • Every child has the skills to solve problems, to reason, to think logically and to work systematically and accurately. 

  • Our Growth Mindset approach is a fundamental part of our Mathematics teaching and we actively encourage the children to understand that making mistakes is all part of our mathematics learning journey. 

  • Pupils should make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. 

  • The expectation is that the majority of pupils will move through the programmes of study at broadly the same pace. 

  • A range of mathematical resources are used to ensure that pupils move through the concrete, pictorial and abstract stages of learning. 

  • Our ‘we can all do Maths’ approach will ensure that children leave St John’s with the belief that each one of us can achieve our very best in this subject and will become a lifelong learner in Mathematics.  

Maths Curriculum Implementation

Maths Curriculum Impact

  • Through pupil voice, children are confident in talking about their learning and believe they can achieve through our growth mindset approach. 

  • Children are developing the skills to make connections between mathematical topics and are able to retrieve prior learning. 

  • Children’s fluency skills support access to reasoning problems. 

  • Children are meeting end of year NC expectations 

  • Teachers assess throughout lessons and units of learning to inform next steps in learning 

  • End of unit checks and assessment sheets are completed regularly 

  • End of year summative assessments are completed