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PE Curriculum Intent

At St John’s, we aim to provide every child with the best possible physical education in order to provide a solid foundation from which our pupils can progress through their overall development.  

Sport and physical activity plays a massive role in shaping and sculpting an individual’s attitude towards their own skills, ability, development and behaviour. The aims of the P.E curriculum at St John’s is to support pupils to progress physically, technically, socially and psychologically and helping them to understand the benefits that sport, physical activity and a healthy lifestyle can provide. 

By the end of Year 6 we want all children to… 

  • To have knowledge and experience of a wide range of sports and activities, and feel confident to explore and engage in out of school clubs.  

  • To experience and enjoy healthy competition, regardless of the outcome (win or lose) and to understand that losing is an opportunity for learning. 

  • To have a greater understanding of the importance of physical activity in daily life and the health benefits which come from living an active lifestyle. 

  • To use sport and physical activity as a means to develop their life skills and their personalities, such as self-esteem and teamwork. Equipping them with skills to support them in later life. 

  • To understand how sport can be a force for the greater good, bringing people, communities, nations, religions and cultures together and supporting each other. 

PE Curriculum Implementation

  • Our PE scheme follows ‘Getset4PE’ (which is aligned to the national curriculum) that the subject leader uses to identify key topics to be taught across the year. This will then be presented to staff in the form of a curriculum map. These topics are selected to ensure that a varied and challenging curriculum is taught across all key stages. This will also ensure a clear progression of targets and expectations within different year groups.  

  • All lessons to be taught by either class teachers or a specialist sports coach, who can ensure quality first teaching of each topic.  

  • All lessons are able to be adapted to meet the needs of all pupils. 

  • At St Johns we value healthy competition as an important life skill. With this in mind, a wide variety of sports clubs are provided for all pupils who wish to participate. Working with outside organisations such as ‘School Games Mark’ and our local school games organiser, our clubs are connected to inter-school competitions and events, which will enable our pupils to develop good sportsmanship and test their skills.  

  • All pupils are given the opportunity to take part in swimming and cycling lessons, which we also consider to be important life skills. When required, swimming lessons are flexible to ensure pupils have enough time to meet the national curriculum expectations. 

PE Curriculum Impact

In order to ensure the overall effectiveness of the implementation, the following procedures will be put in place and utilised:  

  • Subject leader to be assessed during performance management meetings 

  • Opportunities to be created by the subject leader for pupils to provide their opinion of the learning they are receiving and, where possible, for the leader to make changes in order to generate a more engaging learning experience.  

  • Pupil voice and questionnaire  

  • A combination of ongoing and summative assessments to be completed for every topic, throughout the year 

  • Regular monitoring by subject leader.  

  • Monitoring of pupil participation in clubs and events. 

  • Monitoring the numbers of pupils who meet end-of-year and end-of-key stage expectations. 

Progression of Knowledge