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School Uniform Policy

At St. John’s all children are to wear school uniform.

The list below contains important items for this uniform. You may purchase items with branded school logos, or you may purchase unbranded items from other outlets.

Everyday school uniform

Red/white polo shirt (required)                                      

Red sweatshirt/cardigan (required)        

Black/grey trousers/skirt (required)                                

Red check dress (summer optional)                              

Black shoes (required)                          

Black/grey/shorts (summer)

Outdoor PE kit (not required for EYFS/KS1):

Jogging bottoms (winter required)                                                                                 

Black shorts (summer optional)                                     

Red T-shirt (required)                                       

Sweatshirt (required)                                        

Trainers (required)                   


Indoor PE Kit:

Black shorts (required)                                     

Red T-shirt (required)                           

Plimsolls (required)                                            


Watches (Not smart watches) and stud earrings are permitted (Earrings must be removed for PE and after-school sporting activities.) Please note: one stud earring per lobe is permitted. 

No bracelets or necklaces

Branded Logo Uniform Supplier:

Uniform Direct

Dixon Way                                           


LN5 7DQ                                                                                                                                                                 

Children are not permitted to bring large bags to school.